no. 08 (Below the Narrows, Terrace views)

UPstream: Dead Sycamore Terrace (and Big Stump)

In all photos below, dead sycamore branches are visible in the center-background of the images; in the photo at left, the big stump is the brown object at middle-right; at the right, the big stump has darkened, and vegetation is growing up in the sandbar floodplain forming below it.

June 1993 ............... and ................ January 1996


and November 2002

In the photo above, the second sycamore has died as well and its bare branches are evident, while the big stump is all but obscured by the new vegetation (which includes saplings of Arizona ash).

UPstream: the Big Stump close

June 1993 ..................and................ November 2002


Note in the photo left above the dead sycamore branches on the terrace behind the Big Stump. In the right-hand photo these have mostly fallen.

Looking DOWNstream: toward the Big Stump

June 1993 ...............and................ November 2002


This large tree root-wad, left in the scoured wash at this point by the major flood of 1993, has strongly influenced the subsequent flows of the stream, producing a gravel bar above and below it, and eventually building a floodplain containing riparian tree stabilizers -- ash, willow, etc. Again, by 2002 (right), the big stump is nearly obscured on the upstream side by new vegetation: